After extensive research and analysis, Zippia's data science team found the following key financial metrics. 4 95032 Hof REICHENBACH (Germany) Tenowo Reichenbach GmbH Am Windrad 5 08468 Heinsdorfergrund / Reichenbach MITTWEIDA (Germany) Tenowo Mittweida GmbH Viersener Straße 18. . In Germany, TENOWO is represented with four plants: two at the company headquarters in. Lothar Hackler, who, after concluding a successful. TENOWO offers a (unique) range of nonwoven technologies, processable raw materials, customized final dimensions, batch sizes and, upon request, tailor-made, individual solutions, as well as the opportunity for in-house finishing through to packaging according to customer wishes for a very wide array of markets and applications. Michael Hawkins Electrical Maintenance Manager at Tenowo Nonwovens. Find Roger's email address, mobile number, work history, and more. Die Tenowo GmbH zählt zu den weltweit führenden Unternehmen der Vliesstoffbranche. Zetaloft+ is a homopolymeric, voluminous and recyclable nonwoven with new acoustic properties. With the development of innovative materials for use in shoulder padding, and in close cooperation with a globally active company, in the field of shoulder padding production. The variety of existing nonwovens technologies and the opportunity to work with special fibers and finishes puts us in a position to develop tailor-made solutions for customers in the. About Tenowo Inc. For the Mobility sector, TENOWO develops and produces materials based on stitch-bonded nonwoven technology – Malivlies in particular – in a variety of designs for use in decorative applications such as roof liners, side. Contact form. Our case studies mentioned below vividly portray our competencies as presented on the basis of a solution of a customer problem. Although part of a Group, at TENOWO a person is not a ‘number’ but rather a member of the TENOWO family. Thermal Protection. Headquartered in Winchester, Va. Lothar Hackler, president—Tenowo Inc. Wir sind Ihr Partner für innovative Vliesstofflösungen. 4 95032 Hof REICHENBACH (Germany) Tenowo Reichenbach GmbH Am Windrad 5 08468 Heinsdorfergrund / Reichenbach MITTWEIDA (Germany) Tenowo Mittweida GmbH Viersener Straße 18. Printer Friendly View. Mr. Tenowo GmbH Fabrikzeile 21 95028 Hof Telefon:+49/9281/49-0 Fax: +49/9281/49-150 eMail: [email protected] Mobility For the Mobility sector, TENOWO produces and develops nonwovens of varying qualities for the segments of aviation, rail and bus, boat construction, motor homes and special vehicle construction. Our US based site, Tenowo Inc, has been in operation for over 25 years. Company profile page for Tenowo Inc including stock price, company news, press releases, executives, board members, and contact informationTENOWO Healthcare As a specialist supplier of nonwovens, TENOWO is active internationally in the medical-device sector in its Healthcare Division. is in the Motor Vehicle Parts and Accessories business. Be part of our team! We will gladly help you find the job you are looking for and will provide you information about the offer. TENOWO Automotive In the field of technical applications, TENOWO ranks among the world’s leading companies in the nonwovens sector. In Germany TENOWO is represented at 3 locations. The wall is used for patient fixation and therefore sets high demands on the materials used. Wir sind Ihr Partner für innovative Vliesstofflösungen TENOWO, INC is a textiles company based out of 1968 KAWAI RD, Lincolnton, North Carolina, United States. LINCOLNTON, NC-TENOWO Inc,formerly known as Hof Textiles, announces plans to expand their new and existing product lines with a 7. Consignee Address. Surface nonwovens by TENOWO create a ‘buffer layer’ between the reinforcing materials and the outer finish of fiber-reinforced components. Like so many manufacturing companies, when the COVID pandemic hit full force and most businesses were shut down, Tenowo Inc. We attach great importance to personality, and honesty and openness in our dealings with one another. Tenowo Inc. Looking for business intelligence data on Tenowo or other suppliers of Automotive Trim? Set up your free account with IndustrySelect. Harald Stini, managing director; Detlev Käppel, global sales director technical nonwovens and managing director, Tenowo Huzhou; Dr. We have a range of production processes available to us for this purpose, such as stitch-bonded nonwoven technology, mechanical. Your first steps into professional life You may be reaching the end of your time in school, or perhaps you are still in the midst of it and are in search of an opportunity to gain work experience. Top HS Codes. Beschreibung: Als Textillaborant/-in prüfst Du Materialien wie z. With numerous cooperation partners, such as universities, institutes and a variety of organisations in the field of technical textiles, we present a high level of expertise in nonwoven solutions. The only US-based company to manufacture a technical non-woven product of this type, nearly 60% of. manufactures textile products. NC/USATenowo GmbH A company of Hoftex Group AG Hof/Saale, Germany Web: 2014 Nonwoven sales: $173 million Key Personnel Dr. Gastonia, North Carolina, United States. Interesting additional functions can be achieved in the end product thanks to the special arrangement of the fibers and possible thermo-mechanical after-treatments. The company's principal address. 1 TMG für eigene Inhalte auf diesen. President at TENOWO, Inc Lincolnton, NC. texas tech university boldt company the colt group dow chemical company the ohio state university the summitt group thiele kaolin company thomas jefferson universityUS Customs records for Tenowo Huzhou New Materials Co Ltd, a supplier based in China. 2. 2021 Nonwovens Sales: $130 million. Innovative. Compare pay for popular roles and read about the team’s work-life balance. TENOWO has become one of the leading suppliers of technical nonwovens, for the automotive industry as well as other. g. 0M annually. l. , is a division of Hoftex Group of Hof, Germany, and is a manufacturer of engineered nonwovens supplied to the automotive industry. The Registered Agent on file for this company is Corporation Service Company and is located at 2626 Glenwood Ave Ste 550, Raleigh, NC 27608. Website: As a US manufacturer, Tenowo Lincolnton Inc. quality, the company always works in close cooperation with its customers. r. Location Information. Tenowo Inc. Just pick from the different types of panels the job you like to find out more. TENOWO has three plants in Germany: one at the headquarters. I am also a member of the St. Außerdem bist Du verantwortlich für die Auswertung von Prüfergebnissen und die Einhaltung der Qualitätsstandards. (704) 732-3525. ) Responsible body As the operator of this website (Tenowo GmbH, Fabrikzeile 21, 95028 Hof is the responsible body (controller) within the meaning of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which alone or jointly with others determines the purposes and means of processing personal Data (hereinafter “data”) is. US Customs records available for Tenowo Inc. , is a division of Hoftex Group of Hof, Germany, and is a manufacturer of engineered nonwovens supplied to the automotive industry. Sales: +1-855-374-1199With their single- or multilayer constructions of needle and/or stitch-bonded nonwovens, these so-called ‘flex-liners’ offer outstanding properties that meet the requirements for cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) applications. Mr. Automotive thermal and acoustic parts using Tenowo nonwovens provide effective noise reduction for a wide frequency range, superior. 20072 Fizzonasco di Pieve Emanuele (MI) Tel +39 029 072 4927. , based in Lincolnton, NC supplies thermal and acoustic componentry for the North American automotive industry. Specific product characteristics from these technologies can be optimized to different. With a global presence, TENOWO is one of the leading manufacturers of nonwovens and views itself as a partner to the processing industry in the field of protective textiles. Elmar Wind, COO Tenowo Group, Detlev Käppel, global sales director technical nonwovens and managing director at Tenowo Huzhou; Fred. “The installation and startup of the Multiknit manufacturing line has added a new dimension to Tenowo Inc. Uncover why tenowo is the best company for you. 2021 Nonwovens Sales: $130 million. The component […]Zippia Score 4. FABRIKZEILE 21 95028 HOF. Peart succeeds Dr. teufelberger fiber rope corp. ESG ranking: ESG industry average:R&D Engineer at Tenowo, Inc. See all 24 customers of Tenowo Inc. Lothar Hackler, president—Tenowo Inc. Quality Control Inspector at TENOWO, INC Charlotte Metro. Hof/Saale, Germany 2015 Nonwovens Sales: $180 million Key Personnel Dr. In China, Tenowo currently makes four key brands—Zetabond X, Zetabond UD, Zetaflet and Zetaloft. Click here to. In order to meet the most demanding requirements in the best possible quality, the company always works in close coordination with its buyers. 4 95032 Hof REICHENBACH (Germany) Tenowo Reichenbach GmbH. Lincolnton, NC Education North Carolina State University MS. Process for manufacturing a stitch-bonded nonwovens (fabric substitute) TENOWO has successfully developed particularly sophisticated materials for use in wire harnessing that meet the various requirements of. With locations in Europe, USA, Mexico and China, TENOWO is a market leader in the development and production of innovative technical textile products and nonwovens. These Terms and Conditions of Delivery and Sale (“T&C”) apply to all legal relationships between the customer and Hoftex Group AG as well as any affiliated companies with the group (“HTG”) pursuant to Sections 15 et seqq. In addition to. A clever padding solution Our padding is an elastic, soft and protective nonwoven. Tenowo Italia S. Lothar Hackler, president—Tenowo Inc. It is used to provide protection beneath plaster and cast bandages. Harald Stini, managing director; Detlev Käppel, global sales director technical nonwovens and managing director, Tenowo Huzhou; Dr. 2002 - Present21 years. Our US based site, Tenowo Inc, has been in operation for over 25 years. Find out what it is like to work at best paying companies big and small across Lincolnton and find the right place to work for. Corporate Group. NC/USA. Tenowo Italia S. The only US-based company to manufacture a technical non-woven product of this type, nearly 60% of. Our products are available in the weight range of 200 g/m² - 1300 g/m² and can be used in diameters from ND30 to ND300. TENOWO, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of nonwovens, laid the groundwork for a very successful business as a supplier to the apparel industry back in the mid-1970s. TENOWO, INC. As a medium-sized, family-run company, for several generations our focus has been on people. (formerly known as Resintex Industriale S. The only US-based company to manufacture a technical non-woven product of this type, nearly 60% of all North-American (The US, Canada & Mexico) produced cars use products produced in Lincolnton, NC. In. Lincolnton, NC, saw a special year in 2020. NC/USATenowo, Inc. The use of special heat-resistant fiber materials makes it possible to use nonwovens at extreme temperatures. Our corporate policy is dedicated to combining and securing economic performance and social responsibility. Harald Stini, managing director; Detlev Käppel, global sales director technical nonwovens and managing director, Tenowo Huzhou; Dr. Tenowo Inc. “Especially during the first eight months we were lucky to fill up our entire capacity. Zetaloft+ is a monopolymeric, voluminous and recyclable nonwoven with new properties for almost unlimited applications in a wide range of industrial segments. Phone: Website: Employees (this site): Modelled. Lincolnton, NC 28092. #2 Best Company In Lincolnton. Website. TENOWO, INC | 352 followers on LinkedIn. Peart succeeds Dr. Hof/Saale, Germany. 1. com Handelsregister: Hof B 2439 USt-Id-Nr. The Niedax Group is pleased to announce the acquisition of. TENOWO, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of nonwovens, laid the groundwork for a very successful business as a supplier to the apparel industry back in the mid-1970s. Explore the YZippia Score 4. 2. TENOWO Filtration TENOWO filter media, for a cleaner world tomorrow. r. 0M in 2022. The company has announced thr formation of a new addition to. , a Hoftex Group AG business and manufacturer of engineered nonwovens, announces plans to expand its plant in the Indian Creek Industrial Park in Lincolnton, NC. l. l. utilizes stitchbonding technology to offer an exceptional CIPP Liner solution for Laterals. , is a division of Hoftex Group of Hof, Germany, and is a manufacturer of engineered nonwovens supplied to the automotive industry. TENOWO is there to assist its customers with great expertise and innovative solution approaches. Tenowo, Inc. – 19. l. r. Contact. Scope. NC/USATENOWO, INC | 455 følgere på LinkedIn. Follow future activiy from Tenowo Inc. Phone: (704) 732-3525. 151 likes · 25 talking about this. TENOWO filtration products are the perfect partner for YOUR tailor-made filter solutions. Get a D&B Hoovers Free Trial. Printer Friendly View Address: 1582 Startown Rd Lincolnton, NC, 28092-8040 United States. Search in title. Tenowo had partnered with Supreme, a family-owned company with several nonwovens operations in India, since 2006. ) Quality Policy is represented by the Guarantee and the continuous improvement of the Quality Standards of the services offered, aimed at fully satisfying the expressed and implicit needs of the Customers. The company doesn't expect to add employees. 2012. President at TENOWO, Inc Lincolnton, North Carolina, United States. Frisco, TX. Working with us, you can expect exciting tasks in an appreciative working environment with development opportunities individually tailored to you. The Hoftex Group is an internationally operating group of companies in the textile industry. Lincolnton, North Carolina, United States More activity by Marianne. Website. (Member since 2006) Address: 1968 Kawai Road. 00 Million in revenue and 45 employees. Lothar Hackler, president—Tenowo Inc. TENOWO, INC Jun 2018 - Present 5 years 2 months. See full list on tenowo. HEADQUARTER HOF (Germany) Tenowo GmbH Fabrikzeile 21 95028 Hof Tenowo Hof GmbH (Germany) Werk Moschendorf Oberkotzauer Str. Tenowo has become one of the leading suppliers of technical nonwovens, for the automotive industry as well as other industrial applications. Search for other Textiles-Manufacturers in Lincolnton on The Real. TENOWO, INC. To us, partners are all the suppliers, customers, service providers, research institutions and associations with whom we cooperate all over the world. 4 95032 Hof REICHENBACH (Germany) Tenowo Reichenbach GmbH Am Windrad 5 08468 Heinsdorfergrund / Reichenbach MITTWEIDA (Germany) Tenowo Mittweida GmbH Viersener Straße 18. ), based in Milan, is a 100%. 1999 - 2003. The only US-based company to manufacture a technical non-woven product of this type, nearly 60% of. Developing products that are sustainable throughout their life cycles, promoting human rights along the supply chain, protecting our natural resources. In addition to needle, thermo and chemically bonded nonwovens, TENOWO also offers water-jet-reinforced nonwovens,. Tenowo Inc. TENOWO, INC Mar 1992 - Present 31 years 4 months. We have a range of production processes available to us for this purpose, such as stitch-bonded nonwoven technology, mechanical needling, and hydrodynamic or thermal consolidation. With the development of innovative materials for use in shoulder padding, and in close cooperation with a globally active company, in the field of shoulder padding production. Description. Mechanical protection can be achieved not only through the use of special fibers but also through textile finishing of nonwovens. Our US based site, Tenowo Inc, has been in operation for over 25 years. TENOWO products are distinguished by practice-based development, quality-conscious production and an across-the-board, certified quality-assurance system pursuant to DIN ISO 9001. The latest development from TENOWO describes volume nonwovens as "spacer material". , Lincolnton, NC/USA, and Tenowo GmbH, Hof/Germany, both businesses of the manufacturer of yarns, fabrics and nonwovens, Hoftex Group AG, Hof, have announced a new addition to. TENOWO has become one of the leading suppliers of technical nonwovens, for the automotive industry as well as other industrial applications. C. Fax +39 029 0721761. Composites are already in use in a number of areas, including. View competitors, revenue, employees, website and phone number. Located in Lincolnton, NC, TENOWO produces and sells finished nonwovens using various bonding technologies. Join to view profile TENOWO, INC. Tenowo, Inc. 208 followers 206 connections. Our US based site, Tenowo Inc, has been in operation for over 25 years.